web portal of football amateurs association

Football Territory

PRAS designed and implemented the portal of the largest amateur association of Belarus “Territory of Football”. With its help you can find out news, see the successes of both the team and each individual player in the tournament table. You can also follow the matches and the entry of one of the 714 teams into the top leagues.

Creating a platform for amateur football
The project is implemented on a proprietary .NET web application management system
C#, ASP.NET MVC, MSSQL Server, HTML, CSS, JS, AngularJS, Knockout.JS, Kendo UI
release date
July 2019
Main page of the project
Main page of the project
  • 20+ page design templates.
  • Games calendar.
  • Detailed protocols of games.
  • Tournament tables with the position of teams.
  • Search by tournaments, teams and players.
  • Photo and video galleries.
  • News feed.
  • Advertising modules.
  • CMS development for dynamic content management.
  • Convenient logging of games.
  • Online broadcasting of matches.
  • Integration with VK API for storing media materials.

The site was developed for several months, there were no violations of deadlines. The future task for joint activities with PRAS.by is to develop a mobile application for tournaments, as well as ongoing technical support of the site with visual content.

This review in .PDF
next section of the site
in which

PRAS offers expertise and assistance
in the field of business digitalization and process automation